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About Us

Anna Morris - Founder of Pacific Potential | Developmental Coach & Certified Neuro-Semantics Trainer

Anna Morris | Founder Pacific Potential - Established in 2015

Developmental Coach

Neuro Linguistics Master Practitioner 

Certified NLP Neuro-Semantics Trainer​

Organisation Development & Culture Change Professional

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Born, bred and educated in the Fiji Islands, New Zealand and France, Anna has a passion for developing Pacific Islanders and a lifelong purpose to develop and enable her teams and clients to achieve their highest potential. 


Anna's journey with the Neuro-Semantics institute, came as a natural progression into developing International World Class and Best Practice principles and methodologies for actualising excellence.


Anna launched her program Awaken the Powerful Pacific Woman in July 2022 after attaining her Trainer Certification in Egypt earlier that year to certify attendees within the Neurosemantics Coaching pathway.


Anna brings with her 20 Years of experience in Fiji with over 10, holding senior leadership levels within two iconic organisations in Fiji.  Anna has travelled the world, attaining her Degrees in New Zealand and France, and has lived and worked outside of Fiji in New Zealand and the UK.

Explore Coaching & Development with Anna


Ph: +679 7832457

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